Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Old Art

I was going through my old folders on my Laptop, and I found some of my old paintings and sketches. I had totally forgot about these.

Anyways, I hope you all will enjoy my work.

Hand Made Photo frame created out of cardboard

WaterColor on paper

Acrylic Color on paper

One of my BEST work... Acrylic on paper again!

Acrylic and WAter Color on paper

My Room WAll

In Search of Love...

Not So Great Work...Again, Acrylic and Watercolors on paper

Never Let YOU Go... Acrylic on Paper

Pencil Sketch. Did this when I was bored at my first Job.

Killing Boredom in my first Job... Pencil Sketch

Again, No work leads to creativity. Present Job!!!

Aah..!! My Bestest Work ever for someone Special - Moon Fire. Acrylic on Canvas

Never Giving MY HEART to Anyone Again..!!! - Pencil Sketch

Moon Fairy - Pencil and Color Pencils on Paper

Moon Fairy - Acrylic and Poster Paints on Canvas

I hope You all liked my work. I would be working on more Art once I find time. Also, I would be putting up DIY gifts and home improvement soon.

Watch This Page!!

Stay Beautiful and Blessed



  1. Pretty good art work, especially the the details on moon fire. Awesome

  2. No words Sheikha..

    Wondering why ders no much recognition for your works though u'r a pro in it..

    Inshallah may u chase your dreams and get them on board.. !

    Best Wishes !
